Culture of Quintana Roo

As it has been explained, the tourist state of Quintana Roo shares many aspects of its history, culture and traditions with the neighboring entity of Yucatan.

For instance, gastronomy is clearly dominated by snacks and quick foods coming from the Yucatan territories and known as papadzules, cochinita, panuchos and salbutes, as well as the exquisite spices like chirmole and pipian, a type of squash.

And of course the region has many seafood dishes made from a nearly endless supply coming from the Caribbean coasts. Not to mention the great quality of the international cuisine offered throughout the first-class tourism infrastructure.

Local festivities, celebrations and traditional dancing also come from the neighboring peninsular state, like the folk dance called jarana or another one known as the "pig head dance". One which actually belongs to Quintana Roo is known as the "rubber tapper dance", performed by the chicleros, peasants who ventured into the jungles in search of the chicozapote tree from which rubber is obtained. The carnival festivities are also observed, along with many colonial catholic holidays.

The Mayan legacy becomes evident through the spiritual celebrations of the community, which still honors the deities worshipped by their ancestors, such as Chac, the god of rain, and the sacred silk-cotton tree called the Ceiba.

Craft-works along the coasts are usually fabricated with shells from sea-snail or of smaller sizes, and the most coveted, those made with black coral. Across the rest of the territory, some Maya descendants still weave serapes, colorful blanket-like shawls
and assemble artifacts made of wood or liana.

Foto: Exfordy

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