Demography of Morelos

According to the 2005 Population and Housing Census, Morelos has a population of 1’612,899 inhabitants. The population pyramid shows 55% under 29 years of age and a growth rate of less than 1% in the past five years. The average population density is 318 persons /sq. km. but 86% of the population lives in urban areas, mainly in Cuernavaca, Jiutepec and Cuautla, accounting 40% of the total population. Life expectancy is 72 years for men and 77 for women the same as the national average. Less than 2% of the population speaks an indigenous language, náuhatl being the main one. The catholic religion is practiced by 84% of the inhabitants like in most parts of the country. The education average is 8.4 years, 9 out of 100 aged over 15 are illiterate, while 12 out of 100 have not finished primary school and only 9 out of 100 have a professional degree.

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