Economy of Morelos

Morelos Gross Domestic Product consists on : 27% community, personal and social services, 18% manufacturing, 17% commerce trade , restaurants and hotels, 11% financial and insurance services. Sugar cane, corn, tomatoes, onions, avocados, diamond peaches, ejote or green beans, sorghum, and roses are the main agricultural products. Domestic fowl dominates the livestock sector. The Economic Office of the current government has been carrying out many promotional activities throughout the state: fairs to support the traditional arts and crafts, social workshops such as carpentry, bakeries, and needlework targeted for the most needed communities; small and medium enterprise funds; management and business training among others. Ocuituco, Tlalnepantla and Totolapan are the three municipalities with the highest poverty rates in the state. The state launched its program “Morelos Supera” or Morelos Overcomes, in coordination with the state’s DIF, which has as its main objective to strengthen and form self-sustainable families.

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