

The state of Tabasco contains several traces of ceremonial and civic centers belonging to a handful of pre-Hispanic cultures which inhabited the region throughout its history : La Venta, major ceremonial compound of the Olmecas during the highest period of splendor of this culture, the art of which displays strong references to the jaguar; Comalcalco and Pomona, containing Maya remains dated as contemporary with those major compounds of Palenque and Yaxhilan located in other areas of Mesoamerica; and the site of Malpasito, legacy of the Zoque tribe which i

Tabasco History

The year 800 B.C. witnessed the highest point in the development of the pre-C...

Tabasco Culture

One of the traditions deeply rooted in the culture of the state of Tabasco is...

Tabasco Travel


The state of Tabasco contains several trac...

Tabasco Map
Tabasco Economy

Tabasco has a fundamental vocation towards agriculture. The geographic condit...

Tabasco Geography

Located in the entrance by land to the Yucatan peninsula, the state of Tabasc...

Tabasco Politics

Tabasco is part of the Gulf of Mexico basin, a State full of history and beautif...

Tabasco Government

Andres Rafael Granier Melo was born at Villahermosa, Tabasco in 1948. He has a ...

Tabasco Demography

According to the last population census run across Mexico in the year 2005,Tabas...

Neighboring States to Tabasco
Main Cities inTabasco

Articles Releated with Tabasco

The Haciendas in Tabasco, Mexico

The system of haciendas was the main economic organizatio...

Mexican National Anthem

The Coat of Arms, Flag and National Anthem are the most i...

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The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is the shortest route to cross...

Remedios Varo, History of her Art

Remedios Varo was born on December 16, 1908 in Gerona, Sp...