Schools in Uxmal

Because it is an archeological site, there are no education facilities available nearby, for which we recommend checking the information regarding the city of Merida.

Articles Releated with Uxmal

The Process to Obtain the Voter's Mexican Credential or IFE Credential

The Voter’s Mexican Credential or Federal Elect...

The Worst Earthquakes in Mexico

Since we are located in a great seismic zone of the world...

The History of the Mexican Political Parties

The history of Mexico’s political parties can be divide...

The EPR in Mexico

The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR for its initials in S...

Mexico's Presidents in the 19th Century

After Mexico’s Independence, the country was in a const...

The Mexican Revolution, November 20th

During the 19th century, the country had many battles, no...

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Mexico's most Important Ports

Mexico has a great economic activity for which it has dev...

Guadalajara's Cathedral

The word cathedral derives from the Greek “cathedra” ...

Diego Rivera, One of the Best Mexican Painters

(1886-1957) Upon reviving fresco murals, Diego Rivera fre...