Hospitals in Puerto Escondido

At the small Puerto Escondido community go to Sanatorio del Puerto in case of a medical need. Phone (958) 582 1348.

Articles Releated with Puerto Escondido

The Magical Beaches of Oaxaca Mexico

The State of Oaxaca is one of Mexico’s 32 Federal State...

The Best Theaters In Mexico

Teatro de Bellas Artes


Nudist Beaches in Mexico

The acceptance of these tourist areas began in the 70'...

Tamales, Mexican Wrapped Delicacies

The word tamal has Nahuatl roots and means “wrapped”....

Day of the Dead in Mexico, November 2nd

In the prehispanic world, the concept of death played a f...

Natural World Heritage Sites in Mexico

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Sian Kaan means where the sky is born and it was during t...

Ricardo Legorreta-Vilchis, pioneer of the architecture in Mexico

Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis, who was an ensign and ...

Xcaret, Mexican Paradise

Sacred place for the people of ancient times, it allows y...