Demography of Baja California

In the 2005 Population and Housing census, Baja California registered 2, 844,469 inhabitants, 2.8% of the national population. It presents a balance in its genre distribution of 50% men- 50% women, just like the national average. The median age is 25 years while in the rest of the country it is 24. Its birth rate is 18.6% , or 19 live children in one thousand inhabitants. Baja California holds first place in the nation with regarding life expectancy at 75.6 years, thanks to the improvements in the quality of life accomplished by the state government. However, it also stands out for having the highest divorce rate at 31.8%. 80% of its population lives in the two municipalities situated in the northern frontier: Tijuana (50%) and Mexicali ( 30%).

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