Demography of Oaxaca

3,5 million is the number of people currently living in the state, according to the latest population census that took place across Mexico in the year 2005, which also reports it to be quite a young entity, since 60% of the population is under 30 years of age. 56% of its people are nowadays dispersed throughout the territory, forming small communities of less than 2,500 inhabitants, which explains why the portion of the population still living in rural areas is as high as 50%. In terms of life expectancy, Oaxaca reports 70 years for men and 76 years of age for women, slightly lower than the national averages. On the other hand, the state is home to countless indigenous towns, and 35 in 100 locals speak a native tongue, the most common of which are the zapoteca, the mazateca and the mixe. Regarding education, the backwardness suffered by the state is due to the dispersion of the population, and current statistics show that 18% of those over 15 years of age have never set foot on a classroom, while the average schooling lies very low at 6,4 years, barely equivalent to primary education. In terms of spirituality and religion, 85% of the population declares to follow the catholic faith.

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