Where to Go / What to Do in Nuevo Laredo

The constant passing of North American tourists through this important border city has prompted developing the commerce of crafts and popular Mexican objects, which you will find in any of the city's great markets. The main market is commonly known as Maclovio Herrera, where you can find eye-catching handmade clothes, great decorated vases and many other Mexican "“curiosities"” offered to visitors. Other markets are Mercado Juarez and Mercado los Arcos.

Nuevo Laredo is famous among those who love to go on hunting tours because in the surrounding area it is possible to hunt such valued animals as the white-tailed deer. For more information visit the website of Asociación Nacional de Ganaderos Diversificados Criadores de Fauna at http://www.angadi.com.mx/

Did you know that Nuevo Laredo has five rodeo arenas? If you want to know more about the skills of Mexican riders check the local event calendar for attending one of these great Mexican parties. The five rodeo arenas are Rancho Media Luna, Nuevo Laredo, Nueva Santander, Río Grande and Río Bravo.

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