Demography of Durango

According to the last census that took place in 2005, Durango, with just over a million and a half inhabitants, occupies the 24th position within the 32 federal entitiesregarding population, and reports an average growth rate so low that it would take more than 250 years to double its number of inhabitants. Despite the low demographic density it contains, only 12 inhabitants per sq. km., 60% of the population concentrate in only three of the 39 state municipalities : Durango, Gomez Palacios and Lerdo. The rest live in small and disperse localities, for as much as 6,258 communities can be found in the state, 82% of which have less than 100 inhabitants. Only 2% of the population over 5 years of age speak a native dialect, 80% of which belong to the Tepehuana ethnic group, a native culture from Durango. Other smaller indigenous groups include the Huicholes and the Mexicaneros, the latter of an unknown descent and who speak the Nahuatl tongue. Some 67% of the population live in urban areas, below the 76% national average. Even so, the migration of people from the rural zones towards urban environments represents a serious issue for the government of Durango because it implies satisfying a high demand for public services and utilities.

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