Demography of Chihuahua

The latest population census, which took place nationwide during the year 2005, reported 3´241,444 inhabitants in the state of Chihuahua, each gender taking 50% of the total. The northern state is placed seventh in the nation regarding quality of life and sixth in terms of life expectancy at 75,2 years of age. The median age is located at 25 years, mainly because more than half of its population is younger than 30 years. In terms of education statistics, average schooling is 8.5 years, which means that in general the average citizen over 15 years of age has gone as far as a second year in secondary education. On the other hand, 9 out of 100 inhabitants has a professional degree. Regarding spirituality and language, 85% of people in Chihuahua claim to follow the Catholic faith; only 3% of those over 5 years of age speak a native dialect, mostly Tarahumara, the largest indigenous group, followed by the Pimas, Tepehuanes and Warojios, all of them descendants of natives that inhabited these territories more than a thousand years ago.

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