Articles Releated with Córdoba

Christmas and New Year’s Traditional Dishes in Mexico

Mexican cuisine, rich in its variety and ingredients, shi...

Religions in Mexico

Mexico is an officially secular country where the Church ...

Invasions to Mexico II; The French Invasion

The French intervention of Mexico by the army of the Seco...

Mexico’s most famous painters

While there are many talented Mexican painters specializi...

The Worst Earthquakes in Mexico

Since we are located in a great seismic zone of the world...

The Mexican Revolution’s Main Characters

The Mexican Revolution has been one of the political-soci...

Most Viewed

Álamos Sonora, it's Ancient Splendor

The population of Alamos started to form at the end of th...

The Train of the Maya Route (Expreso Maya)

(We're sorry to tell you that this train is currently...

Cenotes of Cuzamá

Sacred Cenotes of the Mayan World

The ceno...