Photo Gallery Celaya

Articles Releated with con Celaya

The Alley of The Kiss in Guanajuato

Guanajuato flourished during the colonial era for its gre...

Victoriano Huerta

José Victoriano Huerta Márquez was born in ...

Earthquakes in Mexico, The Worst Earthquakes

The earthquake of Veracruz of 1973, also known as the Ori...

The Mayan Sculptures

The Ancient Mayas were one of the most important pre-Colu...

Vicente Rojo Almazán, Great Artist

This great artist, Catalan by origin and Mexican by adopt...


Consejo Nacional para la Cultura (National Council for Cu...

Most Viewed

María Izquierdo, Mexican Art

One of the most important painters of Mexican art during ...

Vicente Rojo Almazán, Great Artist

This great artist, Catalan by origin and Mexican by adopt...

Archaeological Sites in Campeche; Balamkú and Becán

BALAMKÚ; Located in the jungle, on the southeast o...