Governament of Baja California Sur

Narciso Agúndez, Constitutional Governor of Baja California Sur for 2005-2011, graduated as Agronomy Engineer from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. He was born in 1958 at Pénjamo Ranch, Los Cabos. In February 2005 he was elected governor of Baja California Sur as militant of Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD). The political formation of Baja California Sur is divided into 5 municipalities: Mulegé, Loreto, Comondú, La Paz and Los Cabos; its population according to the latest data provided by INEGI (2004 Census) is 424,041 citizens established in 2745 localities and 1431 houses. Governor Ing. Narciso Agúndez Montaño Department of Social Communication Antonio Alcantar López Department of Tourism Lic. Alberto Treviño Angulo Sports Institute Prof. Marco Antonio Hirales Source: Gobierno del Estado de Baja California Sur

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