Demography of Guerrero

The state of Guerrero reports a population of 3´115,202 inhabitants, which represents only 3% of the nations total, and has had a birth rate of as little as 0,2% annually for the past five years. 14% of those over 5 years speak a native tongue, being the nahuatl, mixteco and tlapaneco the most common ones, and 80% of the same segment speak no Spanish at all. In terms of education, the state is lagging behind the national average, as 20% of the population over 15 years of age are illiterate, while one municipality, Cochoapa El Grande reports a disturbing 96% rate of illiteracy. Regarding other statistics, 58% of the population lives in urban areas, being Acapulco de Juarez de region with the highest concentration of people as it is the permanent home to 24% of the state population; also worth mentioning the facts that 73,215 persons or 2,4% of the states citizens migrated to the United States during 2005; that life expectancy in the state reaches 73 years in average; and that 89% of locals follow the catholic faith.

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