Schools in Chichén Itzá

You will also find basic and high school public and private education for the Indian population and the rest of the population.


Private school.

Calle 41


Articles Releated with Chichén Itzá

Holidays in Mexico

There are several dates that are considered important in ...

The Worst Earthquakes in Mexico

Since we are located in a great seismic zone of the world...

Where to celebrate the Mexican Independence on September 15

As is known to all, on September 15 is celebrated in Mexi...

Mexico's Worst Hurricanes

The same as a steam engine, which has hot and humid air, ...

Prehispanic Gods of Mexico

Huitzilopochtli, Nahuatl for “southern hummingbird”, ...

Miguel Hidalgo, Mexican Independence

Miguel Hidalgo is one of the most recognized characters i...

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Tequesquitengo, Mexico's Water-Skiing capital

Tequesquitengo, a town located in Morelos, was founded ar...

Juan Rulfo, Great Mexican Writer

Juan Rulfo was born on May 16, 1917. He spent his first y...

Prehispanic Gods of Mexico

Huitzilopochtli, Nahuatl for “southern hummingbird”, ...