Articles Releated with Xalapa

The Energy Reform in Mexico 2008

Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) is a pillar of Mexicoâ...

The apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe before Juan Diego

Ten years after the Conquest of Mexico, on the 9th of Dec...

Mexico's Most Famous Legends

Jesus Malverde

Jesus Malv...

Mexico's Crisis in 1994

The interpretation of the crisis lived by Mexico in 1994 ...

The EPR in Mexico

The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR for its initials in S...

Remittances to Mexico, Important part of the Economy

The history of migration of Mexican citizens to the Unite...

Most Viewed

Tequila Express, Travel Jalisco

Tequila Express is a train that travels through the histo...

Montezuma’s Headdress

Is a headdress of feathers of the almost extinct quetzal ...

José María Morelos y Pavón

José María Morelos y Pavón was born ...