Articles Releated with Guaymas

The Vineyards and Wines of Mexico

During the pre-Columbian era in Mexico, Indians used grap...

Mexico's Presidents, XX and XXI Centuries

The long presidential period of Read more

How to obtain the Mexican Passport

Many of us will someday need it to travel, and the first ...

Mexico's World Cultural Heritage Sites II (1993-2002)

It is a combination of natural formations and those contr...

The Exquisite Mexican "Tacos al Pastor"

These delicious tacos originated in the city of Puebla as...

The Celebration of the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico

During 2010 we celebrated in México 200 years of I...

Most Viewed

Boating, The Manzanillo and the Costa Alegre Route in the Mexican Pacific

This segment of the Mexican pacific coast has various tou...

Huatulco's Potential for Tourism

The Bays of Huatulco were a sacred site for prehispanic M...

The "Alhóndiga de Granaditas" in Guanajuato, Mexico

This historic building located in the city of Read more