Articles Releated with Guadalajara


The word Charro identifies Mexico’s traditional horse r...

Pilgrimages in Mexico

Ever since the Middle Ages, pilgrimages were the way to r...

Recently Added World Heritage Elements in Mexico

As we know, this year new Mexican elements were added to ...

The Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire, also known as Mexica, was formed by cer...

Poverty in Mexico, and its Figures

With most of its inhabitants having unmet needs, it is no...

The Omnilife Stadium, Mexico Newest Stadium

From a 7th generation synthetic lawn to a unique architec...

Most Viewed

Mountain Climbing and Mexico's Highest Mountains

Mexico offers mountain climbers tempting peaks to explore...

Masaryk, the most luxurious avenue in Mexico

Characterized by its exclusiveness, fame and rich cultura...

Huatulco's Potential for Tourism

The Bays of Huatulco were a sacred site for prehispanic M...